API Endpoints

Font family

You can change the font family used in the application by setting the fontFamily parameter


Fons Availability

Beware to have the font family already available on the main site where you are injecting the widget

Specific configuration parameters

theme.fontFamilyThe name of the font already installed in the main site

Usage Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>LSW v3 Embed</title>
    <div id="instaleap-lsw-v3"></div>

<script src="https://xandar-lsw-v3.instaleap.io/lib/lsw.js"></script>
    const params = {
        job: "myJob",
        token: "myToken",
        container: "#instaleap-lsw-v3",
        theme: {
            fontFamily: 'monospace',

The fontFamily configuration are being set in the "theme" attribute of the configuration object.

You will see the following content