API Endpoints

Payment method

A list of texts than you can customize:



You can change the default "Text" used in payment methods.


URL Params Encoding

Remember that we require to comply with (UTF-8) encoding when sending query params. so that if your custom name string has whitespace, you should replace it with the symbol "%20".

ie: "paymentPrepaidText=Custom prepaid" => paymentPrepaidText=Custom%20prepaid"

ie: "paymentLinkText=Custom link" => paymentLinkText=Custom%20link"

ie: "paymentCashText=Custom cash" => paymentCashText=Custom%20cash"

ie: "paymentTerminalText=Custom terminal" => paymentTerminalText=Custom%20terminal"

ie: "paymentLoyaltyCardText=Custom loyalty card" => paymentLoyaltyCardText=Custom%20loyalty%20card"

ie: "paymentTransferText=Custom transfer" => paymentTransferText=Custom%20transfer"

Specific configuration parameters

paymentPrepaidTextParameter used to change the text of the payment method prepaid (optional)
paymentLinkTextParameter used to change the text of the payment method of the payment link (optional)
paymentCashTextParameter used to change the text of the payment method in cash (optional)
paymentTerminalTextParameter used to change the text of the payment method in terminal (Dataphone) (optional)
paymentLoyaltyCardTextParameter used to change the text of the payment method of the loyalty card (optional)
paymentTransferTextParameter used to change the text of the payment method of the transfer (optional)

You can change the default "Icon" used in payment methods

Specific configuration parameters

paymentPrepaidIconParameter used to change the icon of the payment method prepaid , you should put a url as the parameter value (optional)
paymentLinkIconParameter used to change the icon of the payment method of the payment link, you should put a url as the parameter value (optional)
paymentCashIconParameter used to change the icon of the payment method in cash, you should put a url as the parameter value (optional)
paymentTerminalIconParameter used to change the icon of the payment method in terminal (Dataphone), you should put a url as the parameter value (optional)
paymentLoyaltyCardIconParameter used to change the icon of the payment method of the loyalty card, you should put a url as the parameter value (optional)
paymentTransferIconParameter used to change the icon of the payment method of the transfer, you should put a url as the parameter value (optional)