API Endpoints

Sub Step Delivered Icon Inactive

You can change the default "Icon" used in the order substeps by setting "icon" parameter on each step.

The "Icon" configuration are being set in the "substeps" attribute of the configuration object.

Specific configuration parameters

substeps.delivered.iconInactiveString with an URL which will be used as display icon in the Delivered order substep when substep is inactive

Usage Example

Consider the following example:

Example when the order substep is Delivered and the substep is inactive

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>LSW v3 Embed</title>
    <div id="instaleap-lsw-v3"></div>

<script src="https://xandar-lsw-v3.instaleap.io/lib/lsw.js"></script>
    const params = {
        job: "myJob",
        token: "myToken",
        container: "#instaleap-lsw-v3",                 
        banner: {
          mobileImg: "https://placehold.co/300x80",
          desktopImg: "https://placehold.co/800x80",