API Endpoints


You can change the default colors used in the application by setting de primary and secondary colors.

You can customize the color for the main background by setting the "backgroundColor" attribute of the configuration object.

The colors configuration are being set in the "theme" attribute of the configuration object.

Specific configuration parameters

theme.primaryColorColor value in Hex
theme.secondaryColorColor value in Hex
backgroundColorColor value in Hex. Default color #F0F2F5

Usage Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>LSW v3 Embed</title>
    <div id="instaleap-lsw-v3"></div>

<script src="https://xandar-lsw-v3.instaleap.io/lib/lsw.js"></script>
    const params = {
        job: "myJob",
        token: "myToken",
        container: "#instaleap-lsw-v3",
        theme: {
            primaryColor: '#003865',
            secondaryColor: '#EF5B0C'
        backgroundColor: '#FFFF05'

You will see the following content