API Endpoints

Step Confirmed

You can change the default "Title" and "Help Text" used in the order steps by setting them via URL parameter on each step.


URL Params Encoding

Remember that we require to comply with (UTF-8) encoding when sending query params. so that if your custom name string has whitespace, you should replace it with the symbol "%20".

ie: "stepConfirmed=Custom title to confirmed step" => stepConfirmed=Custom%20title%20to%20confirmed%20step"

ie: "stepConfirmedHelp=Custom help text to confirmed step" => stepConfirmedHelp=Custom%20help%20text%20to%20confirmed%20step"

Specific configuration parameters

stepConfirmedParameter used to change the name of the Confirmed step

Default: Confirmed
stepConfirmedHelpParameter used to change the "Help Text" of the Confirmed step

Default: Your order has been received by the store

Usage Example

You will see the following content

Confirmed Step
