API Endpoints

Sub Steps Names Pick & Collect

Specific configuration parameters

receivedParameter used to change the title of the Received substep (optional)
- Default: Received
pickingParameter used to change the title of the Picking
substep (optional)
- Default: Picking
readyForPickupParameter used to change the title of the Ready For Pickup substep (optional)
- Default: Ready For Pickup
subStepPickedUpParameter used to change the title of the Picked Up substep (optional)
- Default: Picked Up


URL Params Encoding

Remember that we require to comply with (UTF-8) encoding when sending query params. so that if your custom name string has whitespace, you should replace it with the symbol "%20".

ie: "received=Order Confirmed" => "received=Order%20Confirmed"

Usage Example

Consider the following example:


You will see the following content

Example when the state of the order is Picked Up