This parameter allows you to limit the maximum quantity of products in your order when it is in the “Confirmed” step. It must always be accompanied by a parameter that updates the quantities of the products.
Confirmed Step
Note this feature will only be active if your order have not been transitioned to "Picking Step" Yet
Parameter | Description |
hideElements.limitChangeQuantitiesProducts | Allows you to limit the maximum quantity of products to that indicated when the order was created. default: “false options: “false” | “true |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>LSW v3 Embed</title>
<div id="instaleap-lsw-v3"></div>
<script src=""></script>
const params = {
job: "myJob",
token: "myToken",
container: "#instaleap-lsw-v3",
hideElements: {
productQuantitiesChange: false