API Endpoints

Limit Change Quantities Products

This parameter allows you to limit the maximum quantity of products in your order when it is in the “Confirmed” step. It must always be accompanied by a parameter that updates the quantities of the products.


Confirmed Step

Note this feature will only be active if your order have not been transitioned to "Picking Step" Yet

hideElements.limitChangeQuantitiesProductsAllows you to limit the maximum quantity of products to that indicated when the order was created.
default: “false
options: “false” | “true
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>LSW v3 Embed</title>
    <div id="instaleap-lsw-v3"></div>

<script src="https://xandar-lsw-v3.instaleap.io/lib/lsw.js"></script>
    const params = {
        job: "myJob",
        token: "myToken",
        container: "#instaleap-lsw-v3",       
        hideElements: {             
            productQuantitiesChange: false