- specialPrice:
Conditions:- Price: Indicates the promotional price.
- Qty: Maximum quantity allowed per purchase. If Qty is zero, there is no quantity restriction.*
If the promotional price is equal to the regular price, the promotion will be deactivated.
If the promotional price is higher than the regular price, a negative discount will appear.
- nx$:
Conditions:- Price: Total price for the bundle of units.
- Qty: Quantity of units required to activate the promotion (sold as a package).
The promotion is activated each time the defined Qty is reached. For example, if Qty is 3, the promotion applies when buying 3, 6, 9, 12 units, etc.
If a quantity that is not a multiple of Qty is purchased, the additional units will be charged at full price. For example, if you buy 5 units, 3 will be charged with the promotion, and 2 at the regular price.
- Stepped:
Conditions:- Price 1, Price 2, Price...n: Unit price of the product in promotion according to the stepped level.
- Qty 1, Qty 2, Qty n: Quantity from which each price applies (Price 1, Price 2, etc.).
The price should decrease as the purchased quantity increases.