API Endpoints

Instaleap Dev Center - v 2.2

In this guide, you will find all the information related to the endpoints provided by the InstaLeap API. The InstaLeap API currently includes a set of methods that enables the creation, manipulation, and tracking of jobs related to our Last-Mile Delivery Software.
The InstaLeap API provides the following capabilities:

  • Get all the slots available to fulfill a job
  • Check authenticity and expiration of a slot
  • Creation of a Job in InstaLeap Last-Mile Delivery Solution (Picker/delivery app, LiveOps Backoffice, Live Status Widget).
  • Get the details of a Job created.
  • Get all the jobs created and filter them by params.
  • Cancel a job created.
  • Notify payment problems or potential fraud.
  • Job tracking is provided via Webhooks.


The InstaLeap API provides 2 environments useful for different stages of the integration process. Your team will have access to:


  • Live operation.


  • Capacity setup required (include biz side).
  • Useful for development and testing.
  • Ability to use all the products in InstaLeap Last-Mile Delivery Solution (Picker/delivery app, LiveOps Backoffice, Live Status Widget (LSW)).


Shopper App Staging (picker/delivery app)

URL to download the latest shopper-app staging version:


For all your internal tests regarding the Shopper app, we strongly suggest you download the latest stable version of it, available on the link above.

Connection details

To integrate correctly with our APIs, take this into account:

  • We will provide keys and LSW-Token for each environment.
  • A CORS policy would be set for staging & production environments. The sandbox allows all origins.
  • Content-type is always application/json .
  • We provide standard HTTP error management.
  • Keys should be set in the header with the key x-API-key .

URL Servers

Production: https://api.instaleap.io/
Staging: https://api.xandar.instaleap.io/



Security Scheme Type: API Key .
Header parameter name: x-api-key .